Wednesday, June 09, 2004


Summer at last

The temperatures here in salisbury in the uk are in the 25c-30c range. This means 2 things lots of people smiling and enjoying themselves and lots of people moaning that its too hot.... Me? I love the sun but this year the hayfever is upon us with avengence and I'm really suffering.

One thing that cheered me up today was talking to my my 5 year old Kiran describing this his first school trip today. He really enjoyed his day at the farm and I could almost see the great big grin down the telephone line as he described collecting fresh hens' eggs and listening to the piglets squealing.

Workwise I'm still battling with consumption of the web services within BizTalk Server 2004 orchestrations - but hey its 8pm and time to leave it for another day.

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