Saturday, June 19, 2004


Hay fever....

Just been to the emergency doctor to try and get some relief from this awful hay fever I've been suffering with - hopefully I'll have a better week. I also used this as an excuse to search for online prescription medicines to see what they actually cost to buy over the counter. All I'll say is thank goodness for our NHS.

I finally got back from salisbury last night and saw the kids and Michele. This really made up for the awful week I've had. Kharys had covered her arms and face with green ink (!) while Kiran was in trouble for shouting at everyone all week - ahhh domestic bliss.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004


back again

Its really really hot! But I have an AC in the office!!!!

Anyway I've been quite busy all week so sorry for not posting. The weekend just gone I tried to spend as much time with the kids as possible. In fact we spent most of Saturday at the South of England Show in sussex. Here we saw loads of animals, events such as dancing and marching bands and even the royal signal white helmets motorcycle troupe.

Sunday was spent playing with Kiran and Kharys in the garden - at one point we got out the paddling pool and water pistols - guess who got the most soaked?

Work is still busy and I wish I was at home in the evenings but somethings just cannot be...

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


Summer at last

The temperatures here in salisbury in the uk are in the 25c-30c range. This means 2 things lots of people smiling and enjoying themselves and lots of people moaning that its too hot.... Me? I love the sun but this year the hayfever is upon us with avengence and I'm really suffering.

One thing that cheered me up today was talking to my my 5 year old Kiran describing this his first school trip today. He really enjoyed his day at the farm and I could almost see the great big grin down the telephone line as he described collecting fresh hens' eggs and listening to the piglets squealing.

Workwise I'm still battling with consumption of the web services within BizTalk Server 2004 orchestrations - but hey its 8pm and time to leave it for another day.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

After many umms and ahhh and wotnots I've finally got round to creating a personal blog.

What is not yet clear is what I should put here. Perhaps I should follow the title and just accept that sometimes its better just to have a clear mind with no purpose and just enjoy the majesty of the world around you for moment or two.

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