Sunday, October 15, 2006


#1 A dearth of good TV

I see lots of reports in the newspapers and on late night tv regarding how much of current television output is crap.  

My retort is why the f@ck not! Good TV is not a god given right. It not enshrined anywhere that I can think of - not even in my copy of the British Constitution. TV is not there to inform - it's there to entertain and if you're like any other reasonable human being I know that's a very subjective thing. What floats my boat may not be anyone else's cup of tea (to mix a metaphor or is that simile, or two). TV is a broadcast medium and it has to cater for us all.

The biggest cause of ire seems to be reality TV. You know, putting people who are genuinely stupid of in some cases stupid and famous into slightly odd circumstances. Circumstances that will lead to them providing wincingly good emotional overindulgence for the ever present cameras. We brits are better at enjoying schadenfreude than most other people I've met - though I must admit that our cousins across the pond seem be excellent at providing the emotion.  

Everyone like's a good gossip - regardless of any pretensions you may otherwise have. We all like a laugh - and the programme makers know this. Just because it is not a bunch of professionals with lines written for them (preferably by some dead guy)- some commentators will pour derision on to reality programmes.  They say that we should have high brow TV - stuff to enlighten us, educate us, but most of all entertain them. That's right they want broadcasters to pander to them and not others. What they don't appear to understand is that TV is same as it always was. Society is more tolerant of differing lifestyles now and this reflected in our TV.

I' always eager to learn new things - especially how people deal with problems around them.  How society reacts to the weak and different is a measure of how good that society is. What I mean is that reality TV is an empowering move away from the elite (watch what we think is good for you) to the the masses (that's me on the telly...).

Well I'm drawing a line in the sand and saying "Hurray for crap TV" - it's what we the voting-with-our-money public want and long may it live.  You may not think its good but it is - and if you cannot see this then watch it with an optimistic mind.

You may think that I don't see beyond the editorial trough that the programme makers present us with, but that's always been there - we always see things in bad light - after all that's what's interesting.


I'm back

The world's in shit creek and space for optimism seems to be limited - time for a resurrection. I've decided that no matter how bad things many get in life - I'm going to fix the worlds problems right here.

Therefore if you are a world leader or even a wannabie - check back here regularly and find all the solutions to your problems.

I plan to sove the worlds problems in an order not based on priority - that would be too boring and not nearly abstract enough.

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